Monday, January 29, 2018

True Life Not Doritos Podcast Episode 11

True Life Not Doritos Episode 11
This is a special bonus episode of Your Favorite Show To Snack On. Josh Jak and Bee Lion do a show sans Bill, but it’s still a quality program, clocking in just under 2 hours. The guys talk about poop, technology, marketing and hobbies. Josh calls Bee a liberal and Bee disagrees. Bee’s girlfriend also calls in and Josh feels like he’s getting negative vibes from her. It’s the best podcast to listen to with your parents. It’s True Life Not Doritos!

Thursday, January 25, 2018

True Life Not Doritos Podcast Episode 10

True Life Not Doritos Podcast Episode 10 This week on Technical Issues Galore, Josh Jak, Bee Lion and Bill Miller go into depth on religion, sex (or lack-thereof,art,tools,TV and movies, friendship and self help. Bill says he feels closer to God when he makes Black People laugh. Goat calls in to talk about his robust sex life. Josh still plays with drills and gives his opinion on video games as art. Bee finally watches Shameless and really enjoys it. He also provides a “useful” self help trick. Josh laments th lack friendship-worthy people in the world. It’s the show that makes you lose interest in all other shows. It’s True Life No Doritos!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

True Life Not Doritos Podcast Episode 9

True Life Not Doritos Podcast Episode 9 This episode of The Show That’s Not About Chips, the usual gang of misfits— Josh Jak, Bee Lion and Bill Miller— have conversations so fascinating you’ll  wish this episode never ends. Bill has some weird idea about catching dogs for a living. Josh clarifies how baby wipes should be correctly used. Bee talks about his ambitious skateboarding goal. And there’s sooo much more. Two ears full of quality radio. If you like the show, subscribe, rate, and comment on iTunes.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

True Life Not Doritos Podcast Episode 8

True Life Not Doritos Podcast Episode 8
This week on the TLND show Josh Jak, Bee Lion and Bill Miller are also joined by comedian Jon Rice for a few segments. He gives his thoughts on religion, tv, movies and a bunch of other fascinating topics before he heads out to the bar. Bee Lion is able to hear Bill Miller's voice for the first time and realizes how crazy he is. Just kidding Bill. (He'll kick my ass if he reads this.) Josh gets annoyed at Bee for not listening to the show. He also talks about his high standards for friendship and how pretty much everyone is excluded. If you like to listen to chit-chat, you'll enjoy this one. It's the highest quality chit-chat you'll find anywhere on the internet.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

True Life Not Doritos Podcast Episode 7

True Life Not Doritos Podcast Episode 7 This jampacked episode of True Life Not Doritos features Josh Jak and Bee Lion, along with Bill Miller, who Josh is grooming to be Bee Lion’s replacement. Justin, friend of Bee Lion, also calls into the show for the first time and Darin M, staple of the Philadelphia comedy scene gives his thoughts on things via the chat. Plus, the guys talk about a potential lawsuit to be levied on the show by a competing podcast network. Also, Josh talk about wiping his ass with loose leaf, which Bee Lion then tries. They also of course talk about religion, technology, hobbies, masculinity, and a whole boatload of other fascinating topics. It’s a show you’ll either love or hate or not care about but probably love.